Monday, 10 June 2013

A Jacobite at the University of Western Australia, Perth

The 8th Annual Limina Conference at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, will take place next Friday, 14th June, on the UWA Crawley campus, courtesy of the University's Advanced Studies Institute.

The overarching title for this year's conference is "Exclusivity: Boundaries of Difference", and the event aims to highlight current research being undertaken at UWA, and more broadly across Western Australia.

Craig Buchanan will be speaking in the first concurrent session of the morning on "Closed Ranks: the Sobieski Stuart Brothers, Jacobite Wish Fulfilment, and the Community of Authority in Great Britain, Ireland, and Beyond". Basically, the paper will look at the brothers and their relationships with some of the leading families of the day - the Dukes of Argyle, the Earl of Moray, Lord Lovat, and the extended Beresford clan, among others.

Craig Buchanan is a part-time PhD candidate within the School of Humanities at the University of Western Australia. He holds an M.Phil. from the University of St Andrews in the field of Scottish political literature, and a BA (Hons) from the University of Stirling.

Conference Schedule-Final

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