Her Majesty Queen Beatrix I of the Netherlands
Christmas Speech 2010
The song just sung, the first words read: "That is from the world's dark clouds, a light upon light absorbed." It is the light of Jesus' birth. His arrival on earth and the way he has gone for focusing on what gives life meaning and value. Christmas inspires reflect on what we find important. These are days of reflection on questions which we want to give attention to everything that we value for ourselves, each other and a future in which we can believe.
Every person needs a safe place and a life in harmony with others, together we are part of a society. Therefore we must ensure the base remains strong and balanced proportions. Fear of change leads to vague unrest and uncertainty about the future. Then comes the social fabric under tension. When people no longer recognize the familiar, distrust grows. But patience, respect and solidarity can counterbalance. It comes down to social solidarity. The challenge is always to each other in solving problems. Anyone who feels participant, is also strengthened in the sense of self.
Anyone who wishes to contribute to understanding and trust must be prepared to confront their own prejudices and his actions to assess the consequences for other people and the consequences for society as a whole. Each community has its roots in social awareness and responsibility takes over and over again. Humanity, compassion and solidarity are forces that bind and offer support in difficult times.
Support is also sought in personal life. In the power of people's convictions can find inner security. But when the waves are high in life takes courage to go to hold on to principles. Against the tide comes down to perseverance.
Stories from World War II, we know impressive examples of personal courage, when people themselves are not considered brave, but stood for their principles. Their choice had serious consequences for others and for themselves. Despite fear and despair she felt after all the strength to remain true to their faith in human solidarity.
That world of war, thankfully, long gone. In the narrative history of younger generations, therefore, play a role in other examples. Again, some people - far away and sometimes approaches - taking action where injustice prevails. There is still need courage to stay strong and brave opposition. We too may be asking yourself: where do we stand when it comes to justice?
The conscience is the touchstone that determines the choice. By working from principles to deal with good and evil is one's conscience is formed from childhood. Therein lies the basis of personal conviction and perseverance. Those who own choices must be addressed not only to themselves but also justify to others.
Every day we notice that on assumptions and expectations of the public interest differences of opinion. The danger exists that the joint is concealed and differences are magnified. Then walls of alleged contradictions raised and hardened positions. But it is important to seek what unites and to encourage one another.
Divergent views together of course with an open society. We can not deny the differences, but they see it as a starting point for social dialogue. It is not necessary to persuade each other to endure. That is the basis of mutual respect.
We also find encouragement in the sharing of values which have been shaped over the centuries. These are recognizable in many places where people find themselves together peacefully and work together. Traditionally this is based on tolerance, diligence and helpfulness. These principles are essential today. Treat others as you want them to treat you. Thus, Jesus is the famous golden rule - what you do not want done to yourself that even a non - formulated positively.
With the processes that govern human life we are all involved. In many respects we are linked. By focusing on a common perspective, we try to overcome fear and suspicion and a good balance between 'us' and 'them'. The message of faith, hope and love Christmas gives us inspiration and encouragement.
I wish you all a blessed Christmas to.
Beatrix R
His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain
¡Buenas noches!
Quiero que mis primeras palabras sean para transmitir de corazón a todos los españoles mis mejores deseos de paz, prosperidad y felicidad en estas Fiestas Navideñas y para el Año Nuevo 2011.
Llegamos al final de un año difícil y complejo, marcado por una crisis económica, en España y en otros países, más larga e intensa de lo esperado. En nuestro caso ha puesto de manifiesto desequilibrios y deficiencias estructurales que hemos de resolver juntos con eficacia y prontitud.
Lo más doloroso es que ha golpeado a tantos hombres y mujeres que han sufrido -en su propia carne o en sus familias- la pérdida de empleos. Los parados concentran nuestras preocupaciones; son una prioridad insoslayable. La sociedad española no puede dejar que, especialmente, tantos jóvenes carezcan por más tiempo de un trabajo.
Pienso asimismo en quienes han tenido que cerrar comercios, talleres o negocios. En todas las personas que han asumido grandes sacrificios y esfuerzos a lo largo de este año: trabajadores asalariados, autónomos, profesionales, empresarios, pensionistas o funcionarios. Todos ellos merecen nuestro más amplio respaldo. Sus múltiples desvelos diarios y los de millones de familias, cuentan con nuestra mayor gratitud pues contribuyen al bien de todos.
La crisis ha requerido la adopción de importantes decisiones por parte de nuestros poderes e instituciones públicas a todos los niveles. A escala europea ha exigido concertar nuevas iniciativas. Pese a ciertos signos alentadores, todavía no se ha logrado una plena estabilización y recuperación internacional.
Es preciso seguir adelante con empeño, ganar la batalla al paro con decisión, constancia y firmeza; mejorar en productividad y competitividad, en educación e innovación; y volver a situar a nuestra economía con visión de futuro en el pelotón de cabeza, manteniendo nuestra protección y cohesión social.
Sin un crecimiento adecuado no crearemos empleo. Y para crecer como necesitamos, debemos proseguir y abordar juntos las reformas necesarias, cumpliendo además nuestros compromisos en materia presupuestaria y de déficit. Se trata de modernizar nuestro modelo productivo y de generar mayor confianza para reactivar nuestra economía, proyectando al mundo nuevos ejemplos de vitalidad y de impulso como sociedad.
Pudimos salir con éxito de anteriores crisis económicas. Disponemos de las condiciones y de los instrumentos necesarios para lograrlo de nuevo.
Somos una gran Nación, orgullosa de su pluralidad y diversidad, integrada en la Unión Europea con la que estamos comprometidos y por la que siempre hemos apostado. Un país de personas laboriosas y creativas, con una juventud espléndida, un inmenso y variado patrimonio cultural, modernas infraestructuras y muchas empresas punteras a escala internacional. La misma España que ha sido capaz de progresar y de superar con éxito muchas pruebas.
No hemos llegado hasta aquí para dejarnos vencer por las dificultades, para renunciar a nuestras ambiciones de construir un país cada vez mejor.
Debemos desterrar el desánimo, levantar la cabeza, aunar esfuerzos y continuar la faena, conscientes de lo que somos, de lo que ya tenemos y de lo que podemos avanzar.
Los nuevos tiempos requieren grandes compromisos por parte de todos. Si queremos ganar el futuro, debemos mirar más allá, estimular ilusiones y fortalecer capacidades, sabiendo que juntos llegaremos siempre más lejos.
Por todo ello, para salir de la crisis y asegurar nuevos horizontes de prosperidad y de bienestar, necesitamos unidad, responsabilidad y solidaridad. Estos son los mejores aliados para vencer dificultades y alimentar nuestras esperanzas. Los mismos que han guiado a otros países.
Creo que la actual situación ha puesto de relieve lo evidente: de cómo le vaya a España depende cómo le vaya a cada uno de los españoles. Por eso, no caben actitudes individuales ni colectivas de indiferencia o de egoísmo, que a la postre nos dañan a todos.
Nada que valga la pena se consigue sin renuncias y sin entrega. Es preciso fomentar el ejercicio de grandes valores y virtudes como la voluntad de superación, el rigor, el sacrificio y la honradez. Valores y virtudes cuya ausencia no es ajena al origen de la crisis, y que son consustanciales a toda sociedad justa y equitativa.
En definitiva, debemos unir nuestras fuerzas para alcanzar nuevos logros colectivos, con confianza en nosotros mismos y en nuestro país, contando con la acción de nuestras instituciones en el marco de convivencia y estabilidad que asegura nuestra Constitución.
Todos, empezando por nuestros partidos políticos y agentes económicos y sociales, somos importantes para conjugar voluntades en esta dirección, con generosidad, sentido de Estado y pensando en el interés general.
Quiero reiterar esta noche que el terrorismo solo suscita condena y repudio en cuantos defendemos la libertad y la democracia. No nos debe faltar determinación para acabar con esta lacra. Honremos y arropemos con todo nuestro cariño y solidaridad a las víctimas de la violencia terrorista y a sus familias.
Por otro lado, continuemos prestando la máxima atención a los excluidos y marginados, trabajando por la igualdad de oportunidades y en apoyo de los discapacitados. Redoblemos asimismo esfuerzos para combatir las drogas y terminar con la inaceptable violencia de género. Y por supuesto, cuidemos más nuestro entorno natural.
Nos jugamos mucho a diario en el mundo complejo y competitivo en que vivimos. Por eso tenemos que defender el papel y los intereses de España en el plano internacional y mantener nuestros compromisos con la paz y el desarrollo de muchas naciones necesitadas. En este marco dirijo mi gratitud y afecto, a los miembros de nuestras Fuerzas Armadas y Cuerpos de Seguridad desplazados en otros países, que han sufrido la pérdida de compañeros que permanecen en nuestro recuerdo.
Pero el año 2010 nos deja también alegrías, realizaciones y esperanzas, incluidos numerosos triunfos inolvidables en la historia de nuestro deporte. ¡Estoy convencido de que 2011 nos aportará nuevos éxitos y avances en muchos campos!
He contado siempre, y muy especialmente este año, con el afecto de los españoles y con el activo apoyo del Príncipe de Asturias. Al expresar mi agradecimiento quiero, una vez más, asegurar que sigo y seguiré cumpliendo siempre con ilusión mis funciones constitucionales al servicio de España. Es sin duda mi deber, pero es también mi pasión.
Quiero terminar reiterando mi plena confianza en España y en nuestros ciudadanos. Confianza en nuestra capacidad y fortaleza para dejar a nuestros hijos y nietos un país cada vez mejor, con mayor prosperidad en cada pueblo, ciudad y Comunidad Autónoma. En suma, plena confianza en que seguiremos progresando.
¡Muy feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo 2011, en nombre propio y de mi Familia, a todos los españoles y a cuantos extranjeros viven con nosotros!
Juan Carlos R
King Juan Carlos Urges Unity Amid Economic Woes
King Juan Carlos said his countrymen must act with unity, responsibility and solidarity as Spain grapples with high unemployment and a large budget deficit and also called for determination in the struggle against terrorism.
In his traditional Christmas message, aired nationwide Friday on radio and television, the monarch said 2010 has been “a difficult and complex year marked by an economic crisis – in Spain and other countries – that has been longer and more intense than expected.”
In Spain’s case, the king said, the economic struggles “have exposed structural imbalances and deficiencies that we must work together to correct quickly and effectively.”
“What’s most painful is that the crisis has affected so many men and women who have suffered job losses – either personally or within their families. The unemployed are the focus of our concerns; they’re an unavoidable priority,” he said.
The 72-year-old king added that Spanish society “especially cannot allow so many young people to go more time without work.”
“The crisis has forced our public authorities and institutions at all levels to take important decisions,” the king said, adding that it is “necessary to forge ahead with conviction, win the battle against unemployment with determination, perseverance and resolution and to make improvements in terms of productivity and competitiveness, education and innovation.”
Juan Carlos was referring to recent moves by Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s government aimed at boosting investment and job creation and calming fears that Spain may require an Ireland- or Greece-style bailout by the European Union and the IMF.
In May, the government pushed an austerity plan through Parliament that included a pay cut for public employees and a suspension of cost-of-living adjustments for most pensioners.
A bill to overhaul Spain’s pension system is due to be sent to Parliament early next year, while other moves aimed at reducing the budget deficit to 3 percent of GDP by 2013 from last year’s level of more than 11 percent include a hike in the tobacco tax and a plan to partially privatize the company that manages Spain’s airports.
The king stressed the need to reorient Spain’s economy with an eye on the future while “maintaining social protection and cohesion” and said the country must “modernize” its productive model.
Alluding to an unemployment rate of around 20 percent, the highest in the European Union, and a gross domestic product that stood still in the third quarter, the monarch also urged Spaniards to “banish despondency, lift up your heads, unite your efforts and continue the struggle, aware of what we are, of what we have and what we can still achieve.”
“These new times require a great commitment by all of you,” he said, stressing unity, responsibility and solidarity as necessary elements “for emerging from the crisis and ensuring new horizons of prosperity and well-being.”
“These are the best allies for overcoming difficulties and fueling our hopes,” he added.
The effects of the global recession were aggravated in Spain by the collapse of a long construction and property boom that made the country’s economy the envy of most of Madrid’s partners in the European Union.
Separately, the king also urged “determination in ending the scourge” of terrorism and called on Spaniards to “honor and show affection and solidarity with the victims of terrorist violence and their families.”
Basque terrorist group ETA has killed more than 800 people since 1968 in its campaign for an independent Basque nation in parts of northern Spain and southwestern France, while radical Muslims were responsible for Spain’s worst-ever terrorist incident: the March 11, 2004, bombings on four Madrid commuter trains that left nearly 200 dead and 1,800 injured.
Referring to the “excluded and marginalized,” the king stressed the importance of continuing to offer them “maximum attention” and urged his compatriots to continue working “for equality of opportunities and support for the disabled.”
“Let’s redouble our efforts to combat drugs and end unacceptable gender-related violence. And of course, let’s care for our natural environment.”
At the conclusion of his speech, the monarch reiterated his full confidence in Spain and its citizens as they strive to “leave our children and grandchildren with an even better country, with greater prosperity in every town, city and autonomous community.”
“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me and my family to all Spaniards and the numerous foreigners who live among us,” Juan Carlos said.
His Majesty King Albert II of the Belgians
Mes chers compatriotes,
En ce temps de Noël et de Nouvel An, je voudrais d’abord partager avec vous un motif de satisfaction. De l’opinion unanime de nos partenaires européens, la Présidence belge de l’Union européenne, pendant le second semestre de cette année, a été particulièrement réussie. Dans nombre de domaines très différents des progrès importants ont été réalisés. Je pense entre autres à la stratégie économique européenne, aux mesures pour éviter le retour des crises financières, au budget européen, aux réalisations en matière commerciale et diplomatique, aux relations entre l’Europe et l’Asie. De nombreux chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement ainsi que des dirigeants d’institutions européennes, m’ont fait part spontanément de leur admiration à ce sujet. Cela illustre bien les talents de notre pays lorsqu’il s’agit de rapprocher des points de vue en trouvant des compromis. Notre diversité nous aide dans ces domaines.
Et pourtant, cet art du compromis, il me semble qu’au sein de notre propre pays, nous l’avons quelque peu oublié ces dernières années. D’où ma préoccupation et ma ferme volonté de lancer un appel à tous nos responsables et à tous les citoyens.
Notre pays a l’occasion de se transformer en profondeur pour mieux répondre aux attentes de nombreux Belges, et pour affronter les défis à venir. Désormais, après plus de 6 mois de négociation tous les éléments se trouvent sur la table pour réaliser une réforme profonde de l’Etat. Il y aurait un important transfert de compétences aux Régions et Communautés, une autonomie et une responsabilisation beaucoup plus poussées des entités fédérées, y compris sur le plan fiscal, un refinancement de Bruxelles et le maintien d’une réelle solidarité au sein de notre pays. En même temps, il sera nécessaire d’assurer le financement dans la durée de l’Etat fédéral pour exercer les compétences et les obligations qu’il continuera à assumer vis-à-vis de tous les Belges, mais aussi sur le plan européen et dans le monde. Il faudra également inclure une solution pour BHV et définir des règles en matière d’éthique politique.
Il s’agit donc de trouver des compromis équilibrés qui tiennent compte des aspirations légitimes des uns et des autres. Dans un tel accord il ne doit pas y avoir de perdants. Nous devons trouver des solutions ou chacun est gagnant.
Dans la recherche de cet accord raisonnable il est évident que chaque partie devra faire des concessions. Chacun aura donc l’obligation de prendre ses responsabilités. Le moment est venu où le vrai courage consiste à chercher fermement le compromis qui rassemble, et non à exacerber les oppositions.
Si un tel accord se réalise, un nouveau gouvernement fédéral pourrait être constitué. Avec les entités fédérées, il sera à même de prendre des mesures nécessaires pour sauvegarder le bien- être de la population, et pour rétablir la confiance au sein du pays. C’est cela que tous nos concitoyens attendent.
Lorsque nous réussirons, car je suis convaincu que nous le pouvons, nous redeviendrons à nouveau un exemple d’entente, et un facteur d’unité dans un monde qui en a grandement besoin. Nous pourrons présenter l’image juste d’un pays qui parvient dans la paix, à se transformer profondément. Nos partenaires européens, et tous les autres pays, constateront que la Belgique demeure un Etat responsable auquel ils peuvent faire confiance.
Cet appel que je vous lance solennellement à tous, je l’adresse évidemment en premier lieu aux responsables politiques, mais aussi aux responsables économiques, sociaux, culturels et des médias. Tous, par nos actions, par notre comportement, nous devons avoir le courage d’être des artisans de paix.
C’est le souhait chaleureux, que la Reine et moi et toute notre famille vous adressons de tout cœur, en ces fêtes de Noël et de Nouvel An.
Wir alle müssen bei unseren Aktionen und unserem Vorgehen den Mut aufbringen Friedensstifter zu sein.
Das wünschen Ihnen zu diesen Weihnachts- und Neujahrsfeiern die Königin, ich selbst und unsere ganze Familie von Herzen.
Albert R
His Majesty King Harald V of Norway
Kongens nyttårstale 2010
King Harald V touched on national pride and Norwegian prosperity in his annual address on New Year’s Eve, and the need to become better and “bigger.” He cautioned, however, against situations where personal dignity and self-worth can be challenged, not least in the case of foreigners trying to adjust to life in Norway. He spoke of how difficult it is to be an asylum seeker or immigrant in Norway, because they’re not always welcome in the workforce or community.
“Every single person has resources that can be used in our society, regardless of nationality, health, age or social factors,” King Harald said. He said Norway’s emerging “multi-cultural competence” must be put to use, because it will be “steadily more important for us in a smaller world.”
His Royal Highness Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg

(version LU)
(version FR)
Léif Letzebuerger, léif Matbierger,
Wa mir haut op Hellgerowend op d’Joer zréckkucken, dann erënnere mir eis u vill schéi Momenter, ma och un eenzel vläicht méi schwéier Passagen. Ech hoffen, datt fir jidderee vun Iech déi positiv Evenementer iwwerweien.
Och wann dëst Joer munnech sozial, politesch a wirtschaftlech Problemer d’Aktualitéit markéiert hunn, gouf et dach a verschidde Secteure vun eiser Economie eng Reprise. Vill Leit hei am Land awer spieren nach ëmmer d’Auswierkungen vun der Kriis a si veronséchert. Heiheem wéi an der Welt gëtt dacks d’Fro gestallt: Wéi geet et virun?
Besonnech wëll ech haut un all déi Matbierger denken, déi ënner Aarmutt, Chômage a sozialer Ausgrenzung leiden an duerch schwéier Zäite ginn. Hinnen all gëllt et, grad och op Chrëschtdag, eng Hand ze reechen.
Zwou Froen, déi ech d’lescht Joer op dëser Plaz gestallt hunn, wéilt ech haut verdéiwen: "War eis Gesellschaft net vläicht ze vill vum séiere Profit geblennt? Hu mir eigentlech iwwerhaapt richteg un d’Zukunft geduecht?"
Eist Handelen, léif Matbierger, huet ëmmer mat eiser Fassong ze dinn, wéi mir mat eise Matmënschen ëmginn. Begéine mir hinne mat Respekt, sou seet dat vill iwwer eis selwer aus. Wann awer séiere Profit eist Zil ass an eleng d’Geld zielt, da verléiere mir d’Uechtung virun deem Aneren a virun der Gesellschaft.
Eist Schaffen, a klenge wéi a groussen Actiounen, huet ëmmer eng sozial an eng ethesch Dimensioun. Wirtschaftlecht Handelen ass a bleift en Deel vum gesellschaftleche Handelen. Emmer dann, wann d’Economie an d’Finanzwelt vun der Gesellschaft a vun der Politik lassgekoppelt agéieren, musse mer eis an Uecht huelen.
Et gëtt kee Grond, d’Economie vun der Ethik lasszeléisen, schreift den indesche Nobelpreisdréier Amartya Sen. "L’économie moderne s’est trouvée considérablement appauvrie par la distance qui a éloigné l’économie de l’éthique." D’Wirtschaft ass fir de Mënsch do, a net de Mënsch fir d’Wirtschaft. Dofir musse mir op zwou grouss Froen eng Äntwert fannen: Wéi soll ee liewen? Wéi eng Gesellschaft wëlle mir?
Wéi soll ee liewen? Et ass ze kuerz gegraff, mam Fanger op anerer ze weisen. Jidderee vun eis dréit Verantwortung. Jiddereen ass en Acteur a kann eis Gesellschaft, eis Economie an eis Emwëlt duerch säi perséinlecht Handelen positiv beaflossen. Emmer rëm iwwer séng eege "Façon de vivre" nozedenken, ass e ganz wichtegen Exercice. Verantwortung a Vertrauen ginn hei Hand an Hand.
Wéi eng Gesellschaft wëlle mir? Sécher wëlle mir all eng Gesellschaft, wou jidderee seng Plaz huet a wou et gerecht zougeet. Nëmme wann de Mënsch an Dignitéit liewen a schaffe kann, ass de soziale Fridden op Dauer garantéiert. Ech lueden dofir jidder eenzelnen an, bei all Striewe no Profit de "Bien commun" net aus den An ze verléieren an deenen eng Hand ze reechen, déi an Nout sinn.
Ech sinn iwwerzeegt, datt e neien Opschwong méiglech ass, deen eng wierklech Perspektiv a Sécherheet bidd. Dat verlaangt vun eis all en Emdenken, ma de positiven Impakt op eist Zesummeliewen sollt eis dat wäert sinn. An enger Zäit, wou eis sozial a wirtschaftlech Relatiounen ëmmer méi virtuell ginn, kritt d’Cohésion sociale, fir déi ech mech zanter zéng Joer asetzen, eng nei Bedeitung.
Léif Matbierger, vergiesse mer ni, datt et hei am Land formidabel Beispiller vu Matenaner a Solidaritéit ginn, och iwwer d’Grenzen eraus. Den Engagement vu ganz ville Bénévolen a Professionnellen am soziale Secteur zeechent eist Land aus. Doropper kënne mir houfreg sinn.
Bei eise soziale Visiten hei am Land erliewen d’Grande-Duchesse an ech ëmmer rëm mat wéi engem groussen Asaz vill Organisatiounen an öffentlech Servicer sech an den Déngscht vum Mënsch stellen. Glécklecherweis gi sech och ëmmer méi Entreprisen hirer sozialer Verantwortung bewosst. Och den Intressi un alternative Wirtschaftsformen hëllt zou. Ech denken hei un d’Economie sociale et solidaire, déi der Grande-Duchesse esou staark um Häerz leit. Ech félicitéieren all Acteure fir hieren Engagement an encouragéiere si, an dëser wichteger Richtung virun ze fueren.
Chers amis étrangers,
Lors de notre récente visite d'Etat au Portugal, la Grande-Duchesse et moi-même avons été très touchés par l'accueil chaleureux que ce merveilleux pays nous a réservé. Il témoigne des liens profonds qui unissent nos deux pays, notamment à travers la présence au Luxembourg de nombreux citoyens d'origine portugaise. Votre présence et celle de toutes les autres communautés est et reste indispensable pour le bien-être de notre société et doit nous encourager à œuvrer en commun pour un avenir prometteur.
Léif Lëtzebuerger,
Grad an dëser Zäit ass et wichteg, zesummen ze stoen, sou wéi d’Lëtzebuerger Vollék et schonn dacks a sénger Geschicht gemaach huet. De Wee aus dëser Kriis däerf net an d’Aarmutt féieren. Am Géigendeel, de Wee kann zu engem neien a méi responsable Matenaner an der Gesellschaft féieren, vun deem mir all profitéieren. Mir hunn eis Zukunft selwer an der Hand. Loosse mir dës Chance notzen.
Léif Matbierger,
Op Hellgerowend wënschen ech Iech all, och am Numm vun der Grande-Duchesse, vu méngem Papp, dem Grand-Duc Jean, a vun eise Kanner, e schéint Chrëschtfest an e glécklecht neit Joer.
Henri GD
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito of Japan
Emperor Akihito shared his impressions on this year's nationwide "missing centenarians" issue and other noteworthy events in a recent press conference held on the occasion of his 77th birthday on Dec. 23.
"It has now become evident that, among those elderly who were thought to be well and sound, there are some whose fate and whereabouts are unknown, which is most regrettable," the Emperor said, pointing to the issue as one of the news topics that struck him most.
Emperor Akihito also frankly talked about issues relating to his aging, saying, "I have become somewhat hard of hearing, so when I receive people, I ask those around me to tell this to them and to ask them to try to talk to me in a louder voice. When watching the news and other programs on television, I can understand what the announcers are saying but when it comes to listening to the other people's conversations on TV, I find myself often relying on subtitles."
The Emperor then continued, "It is my sincere hope that there will be further understanding of the needs of the elderly and that more and more attention will be paid to make buildings and towns better equipped to serve the needs of the elderly."
His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
Sverige Jultal 2010
Dear Swedes at home and abroad.
I want to wish everyone a happy Christmas.
When I look out the window here at the palace - this cold and snowy winter in 2010 - I see the National Museum by the snowstorm across the stream. It displays the exhibition "Master Art". It is one of the many manifestations of this year has been given to Bernadotte Jubilee.
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the Swedish parliament gathered in Örebro and chose Napoleon's Marshal Jean Baptiste Bernadotte as the new heir apparent. It was the beginning of the long period of peace which we have been lucky enough to experience ever since, a benefit that few other countries on earth to share with you. During the Oslo period as heir to the throne and later ruler was also the foundation for modern Sweden, including a new infrastructure, banking and education.
My family and I participated in the commemoration of the tronföljarvalet in Örebro this year. We also attended the celebrations in Helsingborg by 200-year memory when Jean Baptiste Bernadotte first landed on Swedish soil - a stormy day, on 20 October. We had well maybe no further luck with the weather, but it did not dampen the party atmosphere. I was especially glad that my cousin, Queen Margrethe of Denmark, also participated in the celebration.
Christmas is a time when we may pause for a while to gather with our loved ones. It is a time for socializing with family, relatives and friends. But we must also remember that there is anyone who has one or more to share Christmas joy with.
To all of you who are alone or ill this Christmas, I would make an especially warm greeting. It is my hope that you too can feel something of the joy of Christmas, and that next year will be a better and more joyful year for you. There lies a special responsibility on us as a Christmas can gather in fellowship with our loved ones. We must reach out and include them in our neighborhood who are not as fortunate. This is the Christmas message of love.
Christmas is also a time for reflection of the past year, and hopes for the new.
A big event for me and my family during the year was when our oldest daughter, and heir to the throne of Sweden, Crown Princess Victoria was ordained by his Daniel on June 19. It was a glorious day of celebration, and our joy was shared with all those hundreds of thousands who had gathered along the motorcade route and below the castle, and with all the millions who followed the wedding on television all over the country and abroad. I want to express my and my family's heartfelt thanks for all the appreciation and warmth that has come to Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.
In my Christmas speech last year, I mentioned that the Queen and I intend to fulfill a dream for a long time, to create a forum to highlight children and young people in the world. The aim is to inspire and support the UN Children's Convention are complied with. Recently, also took the first World Child and Youth Forum held at the Royal Palace with more than 400 participants. This was met not only representatives of the various child welfare organizations, but also many children and adolescents. This particular dialogue between the generations is important - something that the Queen stressed in his opening speech.
Last spring, did Queen and a state visit to Brazil. I also visited China soon after the inauguration of the Shanghai World Expo, and Crown Princess and Prince Daniel was there last fall. We found that the Swedish pavilion did well among the 190 countries. There is great interest in China for what Sweden and the Swedish company stands for: quality, sustainable development, new technologies and innovations.
In Sweden we can for now rejoice in the strong economic growth. Exports are growing and employment has begun to increase. But we have reason to respect for those in the financial turmoil abroad and what it can get for the consequences.
Our planet is vulnerable. I tend to think of Earth as an apple - with the crust as thin as an apple peel.
How fragile, this shell is, we were reminded several times during the past year. Haiti was hit by an earthquake in which perhaps as many as 200,000 people died. During the year, there was also strong earthquakes in China, Turkey, and Mexico. Volcanic eruption in Iceland - when apple shell burst, so to speak - leading to a large part of air traffic in Europe had to be canceled due to the emission of ash.
We also damaged the earth's surface. Oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico resulted in a major oil spill, where oil continued to flow out for several months.
If the Earth is an apple, so is life on the planet - humans, animals and plants - as delicate as the dew on an apple that can be easily rub off on your sleeve. We must do everything to protect Earth's environment and promote sustainable development. We must succeed in reconciling the poor countries for economic development with the need for measures to ensure our common future on Earth.
Many were disappointed over the outcome of the UN environment meeting in Copenhagen last year. It is therefore encouraging that the recent meeting in Cancun in Mexico seems to have yielded results - results that point to a better future development, although it is far from binding international agreements.
These are urgent problems, for we are just more and more. The earth's population will already in 2050 to be three times as large as it is today. How can we get food, water and energy sufficient while creating a sustainable development that preserves the environment?
The answer to that question is better knowledge. A knowledge based on scientific facts. It is certainty in an age when more and more people imagine that astrology is a science.
This was the issues discussed when the ten royal academies gathered at the palace last month for another round of seminars in the series' crown of Knowledge ".
Yes, we can be pleased that Sweden is far ahead as a knowledge nation. The Swedish universities and colleges position themselves better in the annual, international comparisons. In Sweden, also creates several new internationally competitive research.
In Lund, built for example, two new international center for advanced materials research, MAX IV and ESS. Furthermore, it interacts KTH, Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University in a resource center for large-scale research in molecular life sciences and medicine.
During the past year we have gained new insights into early human origins. A Swedish scientist, Svante Pääbo, have managed to map the genetic heritage of ours, long extinct, nearest relative, Neanderthals. By comparing this genome and our own, we have unprecedented insight into what makes us unique - for example, our qualified consciousness and intellect, and our developed social skills. Let us use these properties to the best of its ability to create a better world for all.
I will conclude with a few lines from the Queen Silvia's prayer book. It is a prayer written by Archbishop Anders Wejryd:
"Help us to cultivate the vitality you have in your creation,
So that we become managers rather than consumers,
Builder and not destructive "
With these words, I ask once again get to wish you a merry Christmas, and send you my best wishes for the New Year.
Carl XVI Gustaf R
His Majesty King Michael I of Romania
Mesajul Majestății Sale Regelui Mihai I de Crăciun 2010

Pentru câteva minute, vă spun bun găsit din liniștea căminului nostru de la Săvârșin. Am trecut cu toții printr-un an greu, cu destule suferințe și nemulțumiri. Dar, în viața multora dintre noi au existat și motive de bucurie și speranță.
Felicit pe cei care au reușit performanțe economice, mai ales micii întreprinzători și companiile mijlocii. Felicit pe tineri și pe profesorii din universități, licee și școli, care au continuat munca lor importantă, în ciuda greutăților. Felicitări celor din agricultură, care au reușit să meargă mai departe, deși rămași fără resurse și încurajare. Felicit funcționarii publici, diplomații, militarii, oamenii de artă, pentru stăruința lor de a-și face datoria, deși puternic încercați de lipsa banilor și descurajați instituțional.
Sunt mâhnit pentru toate momentele prin care mamele, oamenii bătrâni și cei bolnavi sunt nevoiți să treacă.
România are nevoie de infrastructură și de instituții respectate. Agricultura nu este un domeniul al trecutului istoric, ci al viitorului. Școala este o piatră de temelie a societății. Universitățile răspund administrativ față de guvernare, dar au nevoie să fie libere din punct de vedere organizatoric și științific.
Regina și cu mine, alături de Familia noastră, am mers în orașele și comunele țării, încurajând profesii, inițiative, organizații și instituții. Am făcut în anul care se încheie multe vizite internaționale, în care am susținut interesele fundamentale ale României.
Suntem cu gândul la militarii români din teatrele de operații. Sunt mândru de sutele de mii de români aflați la lucru în străinătate, pentru o viață mai bună și mai demnă. Ei ajută mult familiile lor și România.
Toate guvernele europene au acum greutăți. Criza economică obligă la măsuri impopulare. Totuși, există multe feluri de a micșora asprimea consecințelor pentru populație. 2011 va fi poate ceva mai bun, dar vor exista dificultăți, drept pentru care țara trebuie să fie protejată.
Sper ca anul viitor să aducă respect și etică în instituții, simț al datoriei și altruism în viața publică. Valorile și competența ar trebui să fie criteriile noastre. Aveți încredere în democrație, în rostul instituțiilor publice și în regulile lor!
Așa să ne ajute Dumnezeu!
Mihai R
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II of Serbia

On the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the day of great joy for all Christians, I wish the citizens of Serbia and people across the world who celebrate Christmas by the Gregorian calendar the very best wishes from my family and myself. May everyone enjoy peace, love and happiness.
My family joins me in wishing all of you a peaceful and Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2011.
Peace on Earth and goodwill for all!
Christ is born!
Joyeux Noël à tous et toutes!

La princesse Philomena et le prince Gaston se joignent à moi pour souhaiter à chacun et chacune d'entre vous de fêter la Nativité la joie au cœur. En France et ailleurs dans le monde, nombreux sont ceux qui traversent de graves difficultés ou même subissent de lourdes épreuves. En cette nuit de grâce, sentons-nous profondément proches et solidaires les uns des autres – et entretenons la plus capétienne des vertus : l'espérance !
Joyeux Noël à tous et toutes!

Le Prince Jean de France, Duc de Vendôme
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