To commemorate the proclamation of the 2nd republic on 14th April 1931, Spanish republicans have launched a campaign to revive their dead cause. The Izquierda Unida issued posters that state "Nuestros recortes serán con guillotina" (“Our cuts will be done with the guillotine”).
The Izquierda Unida, United Left (iu) consists mainly of the former Communist Party (PCE). Originally the Carlist Party was also a founding member of the iu but they parted ways in 1987. In 2012 the iu holds 11 out of 350 seats in the Spanish Parliament and none of 264 seats in the Spanish senate.
Spanish Monarchists counter the republican campaign by using the Communist motto and denouncing it:

NO to terror!
NO to assassination!
NO to dictatorship!
NO to the republic!
Long live the King!
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